Align Your Pay Strategy with Your Remuneration Policy

Streamline the remuneration approval process between HR and managers. With our app, you can easily revise salaries, inform the payroll team of changes, conduct pay increase campaigns, collaborate on budget simulations, decide on benefits, and much more.

Align Your Pay Strategy with Your Remuneration Policy​

Reasons to Use Crosstalent’s Remunerations App

Smart Budget Calculation

Determine budgets related to individual or collective increases

Managerial Proposal Feature

Managers can create proposals using a dedicated framework

Run Pay Campaigns for Precise Remuneration

Conduct pay campaigns when setting or reviewing pay scales

Instant Alerts for Updates

Get notified on changes in the system and export it to payroll

Breakdown Team Barriers

HR decision-making support and shorten the approval cycle

Advanced Analysis and Reporting

Analysis of pay campaigns and generation of reports

Main Remunerations App Features

Criteria-Based Pay Revision

Use criteria to determine employee salary revisions—including beneficiaries.
Generate and Manage Pay Revision Campaigns

Establish Indicators for Effective Tracking

Identify indicators for campaign monitoring and revision completion.

Automatic Notifications

Get automatic notifications and reminders when there are payroll changes.

Generate and Manage Pay Revision Campaigns

Conduct comprehensive pay revision campaigns to address compensation restructuring needs.
Criteria-Based Pay Revision
Establish Indicators for Effective Tracking
Automatic Notifications

Advanced Data Analysis

Use statistical calculations of medians, quartiles, or averages to assist with salary review.
Get HR Support When Making Decisions

Data-Driven Proposal Formulation

Structure proposals according to indications of priorities, e.g., populations, subpopulations, etc.
Update Talent Pools Using Various Filter Functions

Access to Employee Data

Discover individual employee data such as age, seniority, latest assessments, etc.

Get HR Support When Making Decisions

Facilitate data-sharing and communication among teams. This will contribute to swift and fair remuneration.
Advanced Data Analysis
Data-Driven Proposal Formulation
Access to Employee Data

Budget and Expense Simulations

Build simulations in percentage or in absolute value, including the consumption of budget envelopes.
Align Teams on Internal Organizational Standards

Maintain Clean and Accurate Data

Get warnings for non-compliance and errors in the entries based on maximum salary, job levels, etc.
Employee File Management

Set Up Managers’ Proposal Submission Channel

Managers can submit and share proposals to N+2 and HR.
Digitize onboarding and employee integrations

Managers Restricted From Making Final Decisions

Establish rules and create new pay scale models before implementing payment adjustments internally. 
Budget and Expense Simulations
Maintain Clean and Accurate Data
Set Up Managers’ Proposal Submission Channel

Main Remunerations App Features

Generate and Manage Pay Revision Campaigns

Conduct comprehensive pay revision campaigns to address compensation restructuring needs.

Use criteria to determine employee salary revisions—including beneficiaries.

Identify indicators for campaign monitoring and revision completion.

Get automatic notifications and reminders when there are payroll changes.

Get HR Support When Making Decisions

Facilitate data-sharing and communication among teams. This will contribute to swift and fair remuneration.

Use statistical calculations of medians, quartiles, or averages to assist with salary review.

Structure proposals according to indications of priorities, e.g., populations, subpopulations, etc.

Discover individual employee data such as age, seniority, latest assessments, etc.

Managers Restricted From Making Final Decisions

Establish rules and create new pay scale models before implementing payment adjustments internally.

Build simulations in percentage or in absolute value, including the consumption of budget envelopes.

Get warnings for non-compliance and errors in the entries based on maximum salary, job levels, etc.

Managers can submit and share proposals to N+2 and HR.

Multiple Remuneration Tools in One

Manage remuneration based on performance reviews, payment indicators, and employee data. To visualize the process, speak to an expert.

Scale your HRIS system with Crosstalent. Get started with our module-based tool. 

Related Solutions to Add to Your HRIS Software

Connect your Remuneration app with other HR tools.

Talent Management

Conduct 1:1 performance reviews and career interviews.
Use this information to map
talent efficiency, skills gaps,
and more, when building out
talent succession plans.

Expense Tracking

Enter expense claims and keep track of them from a smart mobile interface. These expenses are used to build real-time reports.

Administration Management and Employee Onboarding

Access and manage core
HR data and legal information
from various sources in
one centralized location.