We’ve seen that rapidly evolving technology, social change, and legislative developments are having a significant impact on the field of human resources, focusing on the following areas:

Technology Trends in HR 

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Process automation is a growing trend in human resources. Thanks to technological advances such as artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), machines can carry out repetitive and administrative tasks efficiently and error-free. From now onwards, these AI and ML tools are expected to go mainstream in HR. This means that modern human resource management tools will enable teams to automate recruitment, training and personnel management processes that were once carried out manually by HR professionals. With this automation, HR professionals will be able to concentrate more on high-value-added activities. For example, they will be able to develop talent development strategies to help employees grow, acquire new skills, and progress in their careers. This will help boost the company’s efficiency by exploiting each employee’s full potential. In addition, HR will be able to take charge of the employee experience, ensuring that their journey within the company is positive and satisfying. They can implement talent integration and retention programs, as well as wellness and personal development initiatives. By focusing on these aspects, HR will help to create an attractive and motivating working environment, enabling the company to attract and retain the best talent. In short, by automating complex (or time-consuming) HR processes with HRIS software, professionals will be able to focus on more strategic, value-added tasks, such as talent management and employee experience. This will help improve business efficiency and create a pleasant, stimulating working environment for all employees.

Data Security

Limiting the risk of hacking is a priority for this year and beyond.  Data security is a key focus for IT departments, and multi-factor authentication is one of the areas to be developed, along with server security. 

“Assisted” Recruitment Continues

The digitization of recruitment is a trend that is set to continue and strengthen. More and more companies and recruiters will be using algorithms to facilitate the process of selecting the best candidates. These algorithms will analyze candidate data, such as CVs, skills, work experience and education, to identify the most relevant profiles for the positions to be filled. Online recruitment platforms will play a key role in this evolution. They will incorporate automated skills tests, enabling recruiters to objectively measure candidates’ abilities in specific areas. These tests could cover technical skills, domain-specific knowledge, or behavioral aptitudes. In addition, workforce management software will set up candidate tracking systems. These systems will enable recruiters to track the progress of applications, schedule interviews, and communicate with candidates more effectively. This will enable a faster and more accurate selection of candidates, reducing recruitment times. This digitalization of recruitment offers numerous advantages for recruiters and candidates alike. It will optimize the recruitment process, reducing human error and bias. Algorithms will be able to analyze large quantities of data and spot trends or correlations that would probably escape the human eye. This will make it possible to identify the candidates best suited to the company’s needs more objectively and efficiently. However, it should be stressed that the increasing use of algorithms in recruitment also raises ethical questions and concerns about the protection of candidates’ data. It will be essential to put regulations and standards in place to ensure that these technologies are used fairly and transparently.

Training Revolutionized by Technology

Virtual training is a learning and development method that takes place entirely online, enabling learners to follow courses and acquire new skills without having to physically travel to a classroom. This method is becoming increasingly popular, as it offers a number of advantages such as flexible scheduling, the ability to take courses from any location, and access to a wide range of learning resources. At the same time, virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) are also revolutionizing the field of corporate training. VR enables employees to enjoy immersive virtual experiences in realistic, digitally reproduced situations. This can be particularly beneficial in sectors such as medicine, aviation or maintenance, where employees need to practice complex or dangerous procedures. With VR simulators, employees can train in a safe, realistic environment, improving their skills and confidence. AR involves superimposing virtual elements on the real world, creating an interactive and immersive experience. This technology can be used in training to help employees visualize abstract concepts or manipulate virtual objects in a real environment. For example, in industrial maintenance training, an employee can use augmented reality goggles to see step-by-step instructions superimposed on the machines he or she has to repair, facilitating the learning process and avoiding costly mistakes. This year, the combination of e-learning with VR and AR will enable employees to benefit from interactive, hands-on training. They will be able to enjoy realistic experiences and practice skills directly in a virtual environment, enhancing their learning and engagement. This immersive and customizable pedagogical approach will offer employees new learning perspectives, preparing them to meet the challenges of the ever-changing professional world.

New Legislative Developments

Features from 2023 will have to be applied; for example, the obligation to provide information on open-ended contract positions to be filled. The DDADUE law has rewritten the obligation by stipulating that you must inform employees on fixed-term or temporary contracts (if they have at least 6 months’ continuous seniority, and if they so request) of any open-ended contracts to be filled within the company. The aim is to comply with European law and “encourage the transition to a form of employment with more predictable and secure working conditions”.

Value Sharing

Since December 1, 2023, employee savings schemes have been more accessible to give employees a greater stake in the company’s performance. Employers may pay two value-sharing bonuses during the same calendar year, subject to certain conditions of exemption from social security contributions.

Diversity and Inclusion

The full employment law includes measures to promote the integration of disabled workers into the workforce. These include the elimination of the waiting period for temporary assignments and specific cases of recourse. The law also provides for the portability of equipment in the event of a change of employer. It also makes stepping-stone fixed-term contracts permanent.

Developing the Employer Brand

Developing Corporate Culture

Corporate culture will play an increasingly important role.  Organizations will be looking to build an inclusive and diverse culture, where employees feel valued and aligned with company values. HR must implement leadership development and diversity management programs to foster a strong culture and spirit of belonging.

Well-Being at Work

Employee well-being remains a priority. Corporate health and wellness programs will extend beyond traditional benefits such as gyms and supplemental insurance, incorporating mental health, stress management, and flexible working initiatives. HR professionals will need to work closely with managers to create a supportive work environment that promotes employee satisfaction and productivity.   Conclusion: In 2024, HR trends will reflect technological progress, internal developments, and legislative changes. HR will play a crucial role in managing talent, improving the employee experience, and creating a strong company culture. By adapting to these trends, HR professionals will be able to contribute to the performance and overall success of their organization.

Remain Competitive and Meet Your Employees’ Needs

Get ahead of the curve with a module-based HRIS solution. By better managing and scaling human resource functions, you can significantly improve employee experiences.    Ask our team for a demo to learn more.